8 Important Tips of Blogging for beginners in 2017

8 Important Tips of Blogging for beginners in 2017

8 Important Tips of Blogging for beginners in 2017

I am active on the internet from 3 years. But I started blogging 2 year earlier. In these 2 years I have made many mistakes in blogging. And I always try to correct my mistakes. As far as I believe, life is very small, so instead of doing your mistakes, you should learn something from the mistakes of others.

In this post, I will tell you about some of the blogging tips Which I also did myself and learned from the mistakes of others.

1. Visitors do not wait to come to your blog

If you are thinking that after creating a blog, any visitor waits for your blog to come, then you are thinking wrong.

Because the user is smarter than you. And your blog will not be helpful, they will not visit your blog daily. If you want your visitor to wait for your blog to come So you will need to publish such a quality content on your blog which win their minds And forcing them to visit your blog.

2. blogging take a little time

In blogging you can not be successful in the shortcut way as it can take time for everything to happen. In order to get traffic to Google by indexing your post, increasing Twitter followers, earning better from Google Adsense, there is a lot more to do, which can be time consuming in blogging. Therefore, the work done in hurrying can harm you.

3. Google easily recognizes good content

If you are thinking that you can fool Google, then you are thinking wrong. Because Google is smarter than you.

So while your content is not good and quality, your post will not rank on Google's top. Google bots easily recognize good and spam content.

So do not ever try to fool Google. Always put good content on the blog so that Google likes your blog and index it quickly.

4. Update blog daily

This is one of the main reasons ,Many blogs do not update their blog everyday due to which they are Fail.

If you think that you update 1-2 posts a week, then your blog will be successful, then you will remove this matter from your heart.

If you start a new blog then you should keep updating that blog on daily basis. If you daily update your blog then you will have two advantages.

The first advantage will be that once they visit your blog, it will become your regular reader and it will come daily to read a new post on your blog, due to which traffic of your blog will increase.

And the second advantage would be that Google likes a blog or a website that has some updates every day. Therefore daily updating will increase the rankings in your search engine and you will get more traffic from the search engine.

5. Not get overnight success

When you start blogging, keep in mind that blogging is a long-term investment. Where you can not get success in one day or one month.

You can take time to succeed in blogging. As far as blogging is concerned about business, your blog's traffic increases since writing 30 good articles.

In other words, as much content as you write and publish in blogging, you will get better results. Therefore, it may take time to be successful for blogging.

In this way we can say that blogging is a long-term investment business. Where you get success, but you do not get Overnight success here.

6. Writing and Editing only does not require blogging

If you are building a business blog then you do not need writing and editing skills only.

Apart from this, there are many things about which you should keep good information. You should come to understand the data by analyzing the data, and according to what should not be done and what to do, should also come.

Along with this you should come to re-design your blog. There should also be a call-to-action in your blog, and besides these you should also get email marketing and social media marketing.

To create a successful business blog, you should know every small piece of blogging

7. Never stop learning

Blogging is something that nobody can ever learn to complete.

If you are going to blogging and you know a little bit about blogging, then do not ever think that you have got full knowledge of blogging. And now you do not need to learn anything in blogging

If you think, your blog will never be successful because no one can keep complete information about blogging. The main reason for this is that there is something changing in the blogging daily. And there are new things coming in daily blogging. So if you want to run your blog successful then you should learn about new things about daily blogging.

8. Theme of Blog

Have a simple theme in your blog

When I started my first blog, I did not pay much attention to the theme of the blog.

And I used to use a very flammable theme in my blog.

When I changed the theme of my blog, after 1 month of my blog. there was a lot of improvement in my blog. Therefore, the theme of the new Blog is a lot of matter. You should choose the theme of your blog very well.

I told you about 8 great points that you should keep in mind when starting a new blog.

If there is blogging tip besides, when starting a new blog. So you share it in the comment box. Along with this, do not forget to share this post with a new blogger.


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