15 tools that every web designer needs in 2017
15 tools that every web designer needs in 2017 Web design and development tools are booming.It can be a bad year, every year! There are so many options that it is very good, but it is difficult to harass through all the web design inspiration and Find out what is not very useful and what is quality and power. In this post I have carefully selected a list of tools that I think that are not only practical and useful, but also enjoyably varied.These options include many aspects of the design and development process, From the planning steps of a prototype to the final code written on the frontend. Then let's see that 15 tools 1. Anime Although web page animation has got a bad rap several times,developers are Finds ways to make things easier.CSS animations and transitions are moving a big step forward, But due to very complex interaction, a book is needed.Anime is a new animation engine on which you have to take a look, if you need to add complex animated component...